The Blog

Are You Giving to Get in Relationships?

Aug 05, 2020

A few years back I wrote the article Are You Playing the ‘Giving to Get’ Game in Relationships? about a tactic some of us unconsciously use in relationships.

What is it? It’s an unhealthy way we act in relationships if we believe we have to do something in order to earn the love of others.

It’s ‘giving to get’ something in return; an expectation of being loved or cared for if you do the right thing or say the right things or act the right way. It’s a...

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Is Now the Time to Upgrade Your Habits?

Aug 04, 2020

Can we talk about habits for a minute, and no, not in a 'judgey' way. I'll never tell you "you're doing it wrong" but you might be creating habits you don't want.

We are in a unique time in our world and it's possible to use this time to create the habits we want. Say what?!??

RIGHT NOW the external environment has changed for most of us - we are in the perfect space to create new WANTED habits, (or yep, fall into UNWANTED ones).  We typically use our environment to help...

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