Is Now the Time to Upgrade Your Habits?

Can we talk about habits for a minute, and no, not in a 'judgey' way. I'll never tell you "you're doing it wrong" but you might be creating habits you don't want.

We are in a unique time in our world and it's possible to use this time to create the habits we want. Say what?!??

RIGHT NOW the external environment has changed for most of us - we are in the perfect space to create new WANTED habits, (or yep, fall into UNWANTED ones).  We typically use our environment to help guide us and now it's all changed. 

  • You might be eating foods as comfort (hello sugar, salt, carbs, OH MY!)
  • You might be drinking alcohol more often. (is it wine o'clock yet?)
  • You might not be moving or exercising or going to the gym you normally hit 3-4 days a week. (couching is a sport, right?)
  •  You might be sitting more, or watching more TV than usual. (binge watching IS takes commitment!)


Now is the perfect time to upgrade habits. Are you creating ones you like? Or are you spending time practicing ones you don't want to keep?

Habits are what we practice, over and over. It has been said “you are what you do”. I’d say “you are the choices you make and the actions you take”.

Every day we make choices on what we do. By figuring out what you WANT, we can set up daily actions toward reaching goals. #success #goals

Habits, rituals, practices all help us accomplish the things we want, or keep us stuck in what we don’t want. This is the power of habits.

Our brains will use them as rote; we engage less willpower or force allowing us more mental space. Habits are tougher to create than keep because our brain has to lay down a neural pathway which takes mental effort and energy.

And our environment has a lot to do with what we create. If you commute 2 hours a day, work in an office, or do certain tasks ... getting home at 7pm to eat, let’s say, it’s all DIFFERENT.

So if you’ve read this far, what habits would you LIKE to create? What results do you want to bring in?

And if you’re not sure how to get there - I’m happy to help you create a plan. It’s the work i do. It’s how I mentor/coach.

It's all about what works FOR YOU.

Neuroscience reality: it takes your brain approximately 33 days to lay down the new neural pathways of a habit, before it becomes easier; depending on how often your practicing the new habit. In those first few weeks, it takes dedicated willpower and #Focus. In 66 days it gets easier and you’ll miss it if you don’t do it.

This is just brain science. Anyone who tells you differently is probably selling something.

And to get out of a habit takes just 24-72 hours, depending on your brain!

I create (and teach) time-based habits and “no matter what” goals. Like workouts first thing in the morning, or making them a part of my day by committing to a class or a step goal.

I jump on my rebounder while watching online coaches or NLP training. 

And for me not eating gluten or sugar “no matter what” is not only a habit, it's a no. #glutenfree #nosugar (I will starve before I eat things that cause harm in my body or brain!).

#Neuroplasticity #neuroscience #brain #training #habits #practices #mindset #ceo#entrepreneur #lifestyle #trainer #martialarts #master #boxing #fispo #fitness #health #keto#fitsporation #forlife #inpower #brainpower

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