Learn exactly how to gain peace of mind and more happiness using your own mental power!
What you'll get:
- Full-year of the app
- Both PDF and Audio versions of the bestselling book "Positive Intelligence"
- Weekly group coaching/mentoring
- Weekly 1-hour videos in your app
- You choose the POD day/time that works for you - Sundays, Saturday mornings, or Monday eves! Let us know!
**This program is for you ONLY if you're ready to apply your highest self to your life day today!
Introducing the Program
Boosting your brain's fitness in responding to stressors requires building powerful new muscles in your brain, not just insight.
It's action + insight.
Practice + wisdom.
Learning what to do during a challenge or upset will help you change the effect of external factors!
Combining mentoring with practice, you'll be guided each week by what you're learning and able to make insightful new choices. The app provides meditations, research, and practice 3 times each day with tracking so you can see how you're doing.
You have access to the app for a full year after the program.
Designed like a fitness bootcamp for your brain, the Neuro Fitness Program gives you the insights, motivation, and structure to practice 15 minutes per day for 6 weeks.
The program also combines 1-hour weekly video sessions for 6 weeks, daily app-guided practices to boost your 3 core mental fitness muscles, and weekly check-ins with your mentor.
Additional individualized sessions are also available as you feel you need them, $99/30 mins.